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Eyelid Wipes



Once the eyes are infected with mites, they will set up camp in the eyelash follicles, sebaceous glands, and lid glands. They are very likely to cause dry, itchy eyes, foreign body sensation, eye redness, increased discharge and other symptoms, leading to diseases such as blepharitis and lid gland dysfunction.

Tea tree essential oil is known as “antibacterial warrior”, “mite removal expert”, has a good effect on the removal of scales.Its unique natural aroma, is the mite irresistible fragrance, to induce mites to crawl out.Its composition of “4-Terpineol” can effectively kill mites, while destroying the cell membrane structure of microorganisms and stimulating cell autolysis, thus playing an antibacterial role.

Other natural ingredients that are beneficial to the eyes,such as dendrobium officinale extract、beetroot extract and  blueberry extract, have also been added .So this anti-demodex eyelid wipe is truly gentle and non-irritating to our eyes.

TO Get Relief From Dry Eye As Soon As Possible